This document describes the tags used for specifying text and graphic objects that can occur inside a BODY tag. These include:
You create a list element by using (note: the following list is an example of UL):
Standard? Not yet implemented.
Standard? Not yet implemented.
Suggests that a compact rendering be used (short items/long list). Not yet implemented.
Within a list element, you add an individual list item using LI, which indents and formats in context of the current element. Newt's Cape should preserve indenting when it splits an item across book pages (and you can specify a different tag to use (default: P) via Split Appearance option.
Examples: see UL, OL, DIR, MENU
Specifies an unordered (typically bulleted) list of items.
Attributes: COMPACT -- not implemented
<UL><LI>one <LI>two <UL><LI>three (nested) </UL><LI>four </UL>
Specifies an ordered (typically numbered) list of items.
Attributes: COMPACT -- not implemented
<OL><LI>one <LI>two <OL><LI>three (nested) </OL><LI>four </OL>
DIR is similar to UL, and assumes that list items are short, typically less than 20 char each. Nested block elements are not allowed. Newt's Cape prefixes each item with ">".
Attributes: COMPACT -- not implemented
MENU is similar to UL. List items are typically a single line, and may be rendered more compactly than UL. Nested block elements are not allowed. Newt's Cape prefixes each item with "-".
Attributes: COMPACT -- not implemented
Specifies pairs of terms (DT), definitions (DD).
Indicates a Definition Term inside DL
Indicates a Definition Definition inside DL
<DL><DT>Newt's Cape <DD>an environment for developing Newton books and form applications via HTML <DT>HTML <DD>HyperText Markup Language </DL>
Idiomatic markup is based on intent rather than on explicit appearance. Prior to version 1.4, it was not possible to nest phrase markup.
However, this now works in Newt's Cape.
indicates title of a book or citation (typically rendered in italics).
Example: <CITE>The Empire Strikes Back</CITE>
Result: The Empire Strikes Back
indicates a short example of code (typically rendered in a mono-spaced font). Use PRE for multiple-line listings.
Example: <CODE>if x < y then :show() else :hide()</CODE>
Result: if x < y then :show() else :hide()
indicates an emphasized phrase (typically rendered in italics).
Example: Are you <EM>always</EM> so sleepy?
Result: Are you always so sleepy?
indicates text typed by a user (typically rendered in a mono-spaced font).
Example: Type <KBD>rm</KBD> followed by the filename
Result: Type rm followed by the filename
indicates a sequence of literal characters (typically rendered in a mono-spaced font).
Example: The chars <SAMP>abc</SAMP> are valid in HTML
Result: The chars abc are valid in HTML.
indicates strong emphasis (typically rendered in bold).
Example: I said "<STRONG>STOP</STRONG>"
Result: I said "STOP"
indicates a placeholder variable (typically rendered as italic).
Example: VAR is a <VAR>tag</VAR>
Result: VAR is a tag
indicates a defined term (typically rendered as italic). [3.0]
Example: this is a <DFN>definition</DFN>
Result: this is a definition
Typographic markup relates to explicit format. Where possible, Idiomatic phrases should be used instead.
indicates bold text (if possible).
Example: Some <B>bold</B> text
Result: Some bold text
indicates italic text (if possible).
Example: Some <I>italic</I> text
Result: Some italic text
indicates teletype (monospaced) text (if possible). (Note: this uses the same font family as PRE, e.g., Monaco)
Example: Some <TT>teletype</TT> text
Result: Some teletype text
indicates underlined text (if possible). Standard? Confusing to user if browser uses underline to represent A (anchors).
Example: Some <U>underlined</U> text
Result: Some underlined text
indicates over-strike text (if possible). HTML 3.0? STRIKE tag now standard? (since Newton does not support over-strike, it uses outline instead).
Example: Some <STRIKE>over-strike</STRIKE> text
Result: Some strike text
indicates superscript. HTML 3.0?
Example: E=mc<SUP>2</SUP>
Result: E=mc2
indicates subscript. HTML 3.0?
Example: H<SUB>2</SUB>O
Result: H2O
increases current font size. HTML 3.0?
Example: <BIG>bigger</BIG> text
Result: bigger text
decreases current font size. HTML 3.0?
Example: <SMALL>smaller</SMALL> text
Result: smaller text
modifies color (#FFFFFF only) or font size (increments).
Example: <FONT SIZE="+2">bigger</FONT> and <FONT SIZE="-2">smaller</FONT>
bigger and smaller
Example: <FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF">inverted: white paragraph on dark background</FONT>
inverted: white paragraph on dark background
Note: other colors, background colors, attributes ignored. If </FONT> is missing, sizes can accumulate: minimum 8, maximum 24.
specifies an explicit line break. If you want to include many line breaks, also see PRE.
Example: line1<BR>line2
Attributes: CLEAR (left,all,right,none) -- not implemented
Because of the Newton's primitive text measurement routines, there may be a few situations where space is omitted between paragraphs, text is clipped or does not split properly at the bottom of the page, or links (HREFs) are not properly detected. These situations are likely to occur with mixed fonts, faces, sizes, all CAPITALS and/or very wide words/small table column widths--
in particular, with bold, superscript, subscript, FONT, big, small, and non-Left ALIGN.
Potential solutions (besides fixing Newt's Cape): editing text, splitting paragraphs, inserting <BR>, and putting links before "problem" tags.
This creates a "temporary container", and all items within it should be centered. Alternatively, you can also use ALIGN attribute for individual P, IMG, TD, TH.
This document (in all its formats) is © 1995-98. Steve Weyer, Greg Simon. All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Version 1.5. Last updated: Jan 1998